“It is not enough to be busy;
so are the ants.
The question is:
What are we busy about?”
― Henry David Thoreau

Our purpose is to help others spread positivity, insight, knowledge and inspiration, and to combat some of the overwhelm that can get in the way of growth and development, specifically for children.

Life is busy. We totally get that. So, in this hectic world, we aim to make the processes of helping children simple, efficient and stress-free for people who have a desire to do so.

what we do

The Thought Center is a production company centered around creativity, transformation and action-based mindset. We offer our own line of self-published, in-house offerings, and also collaborate with other thought leaders in education to bring their child-focused instructional or motivational tools to market.

our pRoducts & services:

  • Digital & Traditional Books/Guides & Content

  • Professional Workshops

  • Online Teaching

  • Personal & Professional Coaching

  • Full-Scale Live Conference / Speaking Engagement Management